Application Deadline: March 3, 2024

Applications are invited for the West African Research Association (WARA) Residency Fellowship 2024. Are you interested in pursuing research in West Africa? The West African Research Association (WARA) is offering Residency Fellowships for the year 2024, with a stipend available.
The goal of the fellowship is to foster transatlantic exchange and collaboration between scholars in West Africa and the United States. During the 4-8 weeks residency, visiting scholars will have the opportunity to do library research, give guest lectures, and/or collaborate with American colleagues. Please note that residencies are intended only as temporary exchanges and are not intended to replace faculty positions. Applications are due by March 3, 2024.
West African Research Association (WARA) Residency Fellowship 2024 (Stipend available)
With financing from the US State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the West African Research Association offers Residencies to its member institutions, allowing them to host a West African Scholar on campus to foster transatlantic exchange and collaboration.
The visiting scholar will have the opportunity to do library research, give guest lectures, and/or collaborate with American colleagues during each 4-8 weeks residency. Note that residencies are intended only as temporary exchanges and are not intended to replace faculty positions.
Cost for West African Research Association (WARA) Residency Fellowship 2024
- The chosen scholar will get reimbursement from WARA for their round-trip airfare as well as a $3,500 stipend to assist with local transportation and feeding expenses.
- For the duration of the residence, host universities are urged to offer extra assistance in the form of lodging, office space, library privileges, laboratory facilities, or other resources.
Requirements for West African Research Association (WARA) Residency Fellowship 2024
- The name and contact details of the WARA host institution representative.
- A 50–80words summary of the suggested residence that explains its goal in detail and includes the host institution’s contact information.
- A proposal that is no longer than six (6) double-spaced pages that includes a profile of the visiting scholar, the activities that are planned for the residency, how the residency will advance WARA’s objectives, the anticipated impact or result of the residency, and any support that the host institution is willing to provide.
- A list of the visiting scholar’s qualifications.
- The scholar’s letter of interest.
- A letter of recommendation from an appropriate host institution administrator, such as the department head or dean.
- A copy of the scholar’s passport serving as proof of citizenship (note: only academics who qualify for U.S. non-immigrant visas will be taken into consideration).
For more information, visit WARA Residency Fellowship.
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