William P. Fuller Fellowship in Peacebuilding 2024


In response to the growing complexity of subnational conflicts in the 21st century, the William P. Fuller Fellowship in Peacebuilding 2024 seeks to invest in a new generation of dedicated leaders who can innovate and drive solutions for peace.

The William P. Fuller Fellowship in Peacebuilding is focused on developing the next cohort of leaders who are committed to addressing conflict and promoting peace in Asia and the Pacific. A key aspect of the fellowship is building networks among fellows and the global peacebuilding community to enhance their development and impact.

William P. Fuller Fellowship in Peacebuilding 2024

This program selects three fellows annually, following a small cohort model that fosters close collaboration and professional networking. It allows fellows to continue their current roles. While gaining valuable skills, professional development opportunities, exposure, and support for their peacebuilding efforts.

Eligible candidates for the Fuller Fellowship are early or mid-career professionals under the age of 40, showing leadership potential in peacebuilding through research, advocacy, policymaking, or related areas that bridge theory with practical implementation.

Program Highlights

The program will include:

  • Study Tour and Peacebuilding Exchange: A 12-day program in the San Francisco Bay Area and Washington, D.C., offering exposure to leading experts, initiatives, and institutions in peacebuilding.
  • Professional Development Award: Each fellow receives a flexible USD 5,000 grant to support their tailored project, professional goals, or peacebuilding work.
  • Extended Learning Modules: Includes virtual seminars, leadership development support, and online coursework with institutions like The Asia Foundation, LeadEx, and the U.S. Institute of Peace.

Eligibility Criteria for William P. Fuller Fellowship in Peacebuilding 2024

To be eligible for the program, you must be:

  • Under 40 at the time of application and workshop.
  • Citizenship in one of the specified countries or regions in Asia and the Pacific.
  • Passion for contributing to peacebuilding through research or practical initiatives.
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English.
  • Willingness to collaborate and build professional networks.
  • Demonstrated leadership experience with at least 3 years of professional work.
  • Commitment to completing self-directed coursework and a professional project plan.
  • Availability for all program dates.

How to Apply for William P. Fuller Fellowship in Peacebuilding 2024

The application deadline is May 12, 2024. If you are eligible and want to apply, click here: https://webportalapp.com/sp/wpf2024_apply and sign up to submit your application. If you want more information about the program and grant, visit the  William P. Fuller Fellowship.


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