France Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024


Applications are open for the Atlas South Mediterranean > France Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024. Are you a young researcher native to Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia, or Syria and looking for an opportunity to carry out fieldwork, library and archive work, and research studies in France?

Atlas South Mediterranean > France Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 (Funded)

If so, the Atlas South Mediterranean > France Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024, funded by the Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED) and the Foundation Maison des Sciences de l’homme (FMSH), might be just what you’re looking for! This fellowship program offers two- or three-month short-term fellowships to eligible researchers who are affiliated with one of the 164 member universities of UNIMED. Keep reading for more information on the eligibility criteria, financial aid, and application process.

Atlas South Mediterranean > France Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 (Funded)

The Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED) and the Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH) are offering two- or three-month short-term fellowships in France to young researchers who are native to Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia, and Syria and who are affiliated with one of the 164 member universities of UNIMED.

The purpose of this research stay is to provide scholars with the opportunity to carry out fieldwork, library and archive work, and research studies in France. This call is a component of the FMSH and its partners’ Atlas short-term postdoctoral mobility program.

Financial Aid for Atlas South Mediterranean > France Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024

  • The winners will get a monthly stipend of 1,700 euros. The goal of this cash gift is to pay for expenses like travel and lodging.
  • Additionally, FMSH offers logistical and scientific support (office space, housing assistance, library letters, etc.).

Eligibility Criteria for Atlas South Mediterranean > France Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024

  • Nationality: Researchers from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia, and Syria who are affiliated with one of the 164 universities that make up UNIMED are eligible to apply for this program.
  • Degree Requirement: Candidates must hold a PhD and have submitted their thesis work from 2018. Age restrictions do not apply.
  • Theme: candidates must be engaged in social science and humanities (SSH) research, or research at the nexus of SSH and other sciences.
  • Language: Depending on the project, either French or English.
  • French host institution: Applicants must locate a French research institution to house them throughout their stay before submitting their application. A letter from the hosting institution stating that it is willing to host the candidate for the duration of the fellowship and outlining the work conditions granted must be submitted by applicants to the FMSH and UNIMED.

Researcher’s Obligations for Atlas South Mediterranean > France Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024

Upon completion of their stay, laureates are required to submit a report to the FMSH and UNIMED that spans between 10,000 and 20,000 characters (spaces and comments included) and highlights the work they completed as well as the benefits it will have for their research project.

Evaluation Criteria and Process for Atlas South Mediterranean > France Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 (Funded)

  • The following criteria will be analyzed and the final selection of applications will be made by a selection committee made up of representatives from FMSH, UNIMED (Marta Craveri, Fmsh, Sara Guindani, Fmsh, Anne-Laurence Pastorini, Unimed, Marcello Scalisi, Unimed), and independent experts.
  • The calibre of the scientific report and the developed methodology.
  • The value of a research stay in France in relation to the proposed curriculum and the scientific endeavor.
  • The capacity to find scientific relationships in France.
  • Priority will be given to candidates who have never benefited from the program.

Application for Atlas South Mediterranean > France Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024

A scientific dossier (research project plus appendices) and an online application form must be submitted by applicants. On January 15, 2024, the online application form will be accessible on the FMSH website. Completed proposals may be uploaded to the application portal at any point up to the March 18, 2024, 17:00 (Paris time), application deadline.

The scientific dossier and online application must be submitted in either English or French.

The scientific dossier’s contents

The study proposal should be a brief presentation of between 10,000 and 20,000 characters (spaces and references included), written using the following:

  • The research project’s methodology, state of the art, problem, and specific goal.
  • A list of references.
  • The comprehensive itinerary for the research stay, including the locations and organizations to be visited, contacts, and schedule of work.
  • A curriculum vitae, no more than two pages.
  • An inventory of works.
  • A duplicate of the doctoral degree.
  • Correspondence from the head of the research center in the nation of origin.
  • A letter of invitation from the director of the host research institution in France outlining the work conditions available and indicating the institution’s willingness to host the candidate during the fellowship period.

How to Apply for Atlas South Mediterranean > France Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024

  • Go to the application page online and type “Researcher Workspace.”
  • To utilize the online platform, you must first register. In case you haven’t made an account yet, you will be prompted to fill out your personal details and establish a profile before selecting “create a new application.”
  • After selecting the specific call “FMSH-UNIMED: South Mediterranean > France,” choose “Programme Atlas incoming 2024.”
  • Complete every information tab.
  • You must send your research proposal and the appendices as one PDF document to the “Documents” final tab: Research proposal, Curriculum Vitae (maximum of two pages), Catalog of works, A copy of the doctoral diploma and a letter from the research institution’s director, A letter of invitation from the head of the French research institution that is hosting the event.
  • Up until the call for applications closes, you can to save your application and finish it later. You won’t be able to make changes to your application once it has been submitted. You will automatically receive an email verifying your submission after it has been made. Applications that do not fit the above description, are not completed, or are not submitted at all will not be considered.

Application Deadline: March 18, 2024






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