Knight Science Journalism Fellowship


Applications for the Knight Science Journalism Fellowship for Advancing Science Journalism in Africa & the Middle East 2024 are open now. The life and career of Egyptian science journalist Mohammed Yahia served as the model for this new one-semester fellowship, which is being offered by the MIT Knight Science Journalism Program.

Knight Science Journalism Fellowship

Under Yahia’s direction from 2010 to 2023. The fellowship developed into a significant contribution to science reporting in the region in collaboration with Springer Nature, the publisher of Nature Middle East.

About the Fellowship

Yahia made extraordinary contributions to science journalism. And in the wake of his tragic death in the summer of 2023, Springer Nature and the Knight Science Journalism Program collaborated to establish a fellowship in his honor.

Through a combination of coursework and specialized training, the Fellowship for Advancing Science Journalism in Africa and the Middle East aims to support reporters and editors in the region as they pursue a successful career in science journalism.

This fellowship, which will last one semester, will be hosted by KSJ at MIT and take place in the fall of the academic year starting in 2024. The fellow will study at MIT and other universities in the Cambridge/Boston area in addition to participating in seminars, training workshops, and field trips with other KSJ fellows over the semester.

Knight Science Journalism Fellowship for Advancing Science Journalism in Africa & the Middle East 2024 (Funded)

The goal of the fellowship is to improve the training of a journalist from Africa or the Middle East so they may raise awareness of regional advancements in the rest of the world and support the development of a culture of high-quality science and health journalism in those areas.

Benefits of Knight Science Journalism Fellowship

  • $40,000 health insurance and stipend for the semester at MIT.
  • $5,000 grant to assist with initial housing expenses.
  • Complete access to MIT’s benefits, including discounted public transit, admission to local museums, and other activities.
  • Links to a vibrant science journalism community.

Eligibility Criteria for Knight Science Journalism Fellowship

journalists with at least three years of experience covering scientific, medical, or environmental issues in the region who are based in Africa or the Middle East. Reporters, authors, editors, producers, illustrators, filmmakers, and photojournalists are among the possible candidates. Work for periodicals, newspapers, radio, television, and digital media falls under this category.

Application for Knight Science Journalism Fellowship

The following files must be submitted by each applicant:

  • In no more than 500 words, state your motivation for applying to the Fellowship for Advancing Science Journalism in Africa and the Middle East. And how it aligns with your career objectives.
  • Curriculum Vitae or Resume: Give a succinct summary of your training, employment background, and accolades received in your field. (Freelancers ought to attach a list of their recent 12-month freelancing projects that they have accomplished. Add the date of publication or transmission, the location, and each tale.)
  • Three Work Samples: Could you kindly submit three (3) pertinent work samples? Select samples that most accurately reflect your skills and areas of interest. For any work that was not created in English, kindly provide a translation.
  • Professional Reference Letter: One (1) letter of recommendation is required. Additional letters are not required. The letter should be addressed to you and your abilities/commitment to journalism by someone familiar with your work. In the application form, applicants will list the name and email address of their recommenders. The recommenders will instantly receive letter requests.

Click here to apply

For more information, visit Knight Science Journalism Fellowship

Application Deadline: March 1, 2023

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