EJN Seed Grants for Media Outlets in Nepal (Up to €4,500 Grant)


If you have been wondering how to apply for the EJN Seed for Media outlets in Nepal up to E4500 grant then this article is a must-read. The goal of these grants is to increase the media’s capacity in Nepal to deliver innovative and solutions-focused content on green growth and natural resource management to the public and policymakers.

 EJN Seed Grants for Media Outlets in Nepal (up to €4,500 grant)

EJN Seed Grants for Media Outlets in Nepal (up to €4,500 grant)

The EJN Seed Grants for Media Outlets in Nepal up to €4,500 grant aims to initiate new programs, columns, or sections focusing on these issues. Moreover, selected media outlets must create and test a new program throughout the award period, generating at least two articles or episodes as a demonstration of the concept.

They are looking for media programming ideas that cover the following topics:

  • The impact of poor governance and inefficient budget disbursement on natural resources highlights corrupt practices that impede green growth.
  • The effects of hydropower projects on river ecosystems, freshwater biodiversity, and infrastructure development in mountain ecosystems.
  • Government strategies, policies, and scalable solutions for better natural resource management in Nepal.
  • Efforts by Indigenous and local communities that promote green growth and climate resilience.

They encourage media products that amplify the voices of marginalized and minority communities, foster constructive dialogues, and provide better information to communities, thereby increasing public pressure on policymakers to take action.

Grant Details

  • The plan is to support five organizations with grants of 4,500 euros each.

Eligibility for the EJN Seed Grants for Media Outlets in Nepal up to €4500 grant

To be eligible, you need to be a:

  • Media outlets in Nepal, including newspapers, online media, radio, television, multimedia platforms, and social media channels, are eligible to apply. Applications must propose one new media programming idea based on the mentioned themes and include the production of at least two episodes or stories. They won’t accept applications that combine several topics.
  • Your applications must be submitted in English or Nepali. Applicants should have a working understanding of either language or access to a translator for communication with Internews staff. Storytelling, however, may be done in any language.
  • Applicants must disclose the use of generative AI tools, if any, in their proposals. Moreover, EJN reserves the right to disqualify applicants engaged in unethical or improper conduct, such as plagiarism or presenting AI-generated content as their own.

How applicants will be evaluated

Additionally, an international team of judges, comprising professionals in environmental journalism and Internews personnel, will evaluate applications according to the following standards:

  • Proposal quality
  • Relevance to grant objectives
  • Potential impact and project design
  • Innovation
  • Financial viability
  • Applicant’s capability to execute the project

Application Deadline

The deadline for application is April 10, 2024, at 11:59 PM, Asia/Kolkata IST.

How to apply for EJN Seed Grants for Media Outlets in Nepal (up to €4,500 grant)

To start your application for the EJN Seed Grants for Media Outlets in Nepal up to €4500 grant, you need to create an account if you don’t have an account already. After creating an account, you can go and complete the online application form on the EJN Seed Grant page by clicking the “Apply Now” button on the top right of the page.

If you lose your account details, you can find detailed instructions for creating an account and resetting your passwords on the website. Ensure to provide a detailed budget with justification for the requested amount using the provided budget template.

If you need any assistance or inquiries, email info.ejn@internews.org. Applications that are submitted after the deadline will not be reviewed.

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