Empowering Australia’s Youth and Communities | Apply Now


Are you passionate about improving Australia’s youth and communities? Great news awaits! The Youth and Community Grants program provides funding and empowering Australia’s youth and communities with opportunities for impactful projects. This article simplifies the application process and serves as your guide to securing funding for your initiatives.

Empowering Australia's Youth and Communities

About the Program

The program aims to empower Australia’s youth and communities by supporting initiatives that tackle key challenges and drive positive change.

Application Deadline

Deadline: 31-Mar-24

The Youth and Community Grants program has specific submission deadlines. Successful applicants stand to gain financial support, networking opportunities, and recognition for their projects that make a difference.

Funding Amount

Apply now for Community and Youth Grants worth up to $7,500.

Ineligible Funding

  • Unincorporated or un-auspiced organization
  • Applicant or auspice with an open funding agreement in the Community or Arts Grant Program
  • Recurring or pre-existing events that don’t demonstrate significant changes or new initiative areas
  • Activities, events, or programs occurring outside the City of Fremantle
  • Projects that duplicate an existing or similar service or project that operates in the City of Fremantle
  • The application disparages or excludes any groups in the community
  • The application contravenes an existing City of Fremantle Policy or Plan


Applications for community-focused projects and initiatives that meet the following Benefits will be considered for funding:

  • Financial Support:

Grantees can receive grants of up to $7,500, providing essential funding for youth and community initiatives.

  • Networking Opportunities:

Participation in grant programs enables connections with similar-minded individuals and organizations, encouraging collaborations and knowledge exchange.

  • Recognition:

Successful projects earn acknowledgment, boosting the reputation and credibility of grantees within their communities and beyond.

  • Capacity Building:

Engaging in grant programs allows for skill development, project management, and leadership opportunities, empowering individuals and organizations to enact positive change.

  • Community Impact:

Funding enables the implementation of projects addressing crucial issues and fostering positive outcomes, benefiting communities throughout Australia.

Eligibility Criteria

These are the Eligibility Criteria for Empowering Australia’s Youth and Communities:

  • Projects must align with the program’s objectives of empowering Australia’s youth and communities, addressing key challenges, and promoting positive change.
  • Proposals should demonstrate innovative approaches and feasible strategies for implementation, showcasing creativity and practicality.
  • Projects should have the potential to generate a significant positive impact on youth empowerment, community development, mental health support, education, or environmental sustainability.
  • Individuals, community groups, non-profit organizations, and youth-focused initiatives are eligible to apply for grants.

Ineligibility Criteria

These are the Ineligibility Criteria for Empowering Australia’s Youth and Communities:

  • Projects lacking substantial benefits for the community may be deemed ineligible for funding.
  • Proposals advocating for unethical practices or engaging in activities contrary to program objectives may be disqualified.
  • Inadequate documentation, including incomplete proposals or missing supporting documents, may result in disqualification from the grant program.

Eligible Countries

The Youth and Community Grants program focuses on benefiting youth and communities across Australia. Priority areas include youth empowerment, community development, mental health support, education, and environmental sustainability.

Application Process

Applications for community-focused projects and initiatives that meet the following Application Process will be considered for funding:

  • Read Guidelines:

Go through the guidelines provided for the grant program to understand eligibility criteria and requirements thoroughly.

  • Prepare Proposal:

Create a detailed project proposal that outlines objectives, methodologies, expected outcomes, and budget considerations.

  • Collect Supporting Documents:

Gather additional documents like resumes, endorsements, and financial statements to enhance the application.

  • Ensure Alignment:

Make sure that the proposed project aligns with the program’s objectives of empowering youth and communities and fostering positive change.

  • Submit Application:

Fill out the application form and submit it along with the project proposal and supporting documents by the specified deadline.

  • Check Official Website:

Visit the official website of the grant program for detailed instructions, application forms, and additional information. visit https://www.fremantle.wa.gov.au/youth-and-community-grants.

  • Stay Informed:

Keep an eye on the official website for updates, announcements, and addendums related to the grant program.

Who is eligible to apply?

We welcome applications from:

  • Organizations or groups that are legally constituted as incorporated associations (or have secured an auspice) or not-for-profit entities
  • Applications that align with the grant objectives
  • Applicants who have obtained the appropriate level of Public Liability Insurance for the proposed project and/or event
  • Projects or initiatives delivered in the City of Fremantle that directly benefit its community
  • (For Youth Grant applications only): The primary target group should include young people aged 12 – 25 years who live, work, and/or study in Fremantle.

Documentation Requirements

These are the documentation requirements of Empowering Australia’s Youth and Communities:

  • Submit comprehensive project proposals detailing objectives, methodologies, expected outcomes, and budget considerations.
  • Include additional documents like resumes, endorsements, and financial statements to enhance the application.
  • Present evidence of past successes and relevant experience to strengthen the proposal’s credibility and capacity for impactful initiatives.
  • Demonstrate how proposed projects align with program objectives of empowering youth and communities, addressing key challenges, and promoting positive change.

Tips for Successful Application

Tips for Successful Application of Empowering Australia’s Youth and Communities:

  • Study the program guidelines and criteria thoroughly.
  • Clearly define your project’s goals, strategies, and expected outcomes.
  • Provide evidence of past successes and relevant experience.
  • Ensure your proposal aligns with program objectives and priorities.
  • Collaborate with stakeholders and engage the community in your project planning.

Types of Grants Available

Types of Empowering Australia’s Youth and Communities:

  • Youth Grants:

These grants support programs, projects, and initiatives aimed at encouraging social and civic participation, as well as enhancing the well-being, skills, empowerment, and resilience of young people aged 12 – 25 who live, work, and/or study in Fremantle.

  • Community Grants:

The City of Fremantle Community Grants assist programs and activities that target a specific need or deliver benefits to the Fremantle community.


While the program supports various initiatives, funding availability, project scope, and geographic coverage may have limitations. Projects demonstrating innovation, community engagement, and long-term sustainability may receive priority.


The Youth and Community Grants program offers a valuable opportunity to make a positive impact on Australia’s youth and communities. By understanding the application process and aligning with program goals, applicants can increase their chances of securing funding for projects that empower and uplift future generations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of projects are eligible for funding?

Projects focused on youth empowerment, community development, mental health support, education, and environmental sustainability typically qualify for funding.

Are specific geographic regions or communities targeted by the grant program?

The program aims to benefit youth and communities across Australia, especially areas facing socio-economic challenges.


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